(Quick Reference)

1 Introduction - Reference Documentation

Authors: Aaron Brown

Version: 1.0.0

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

The SanityChecker plugin for Grails provides a simple paradigm and utility for running basic sanity checks against parameters, inputs, data, etc.

The goal of the plugin is to make sanity checking of data very intuitive, concise, and extensible. Checkers should be simple yet powerful, and easy to use without imposing any constraints or take control away from the developer.

This guide is intended to describe usage and best-practices for the plugin. There are no configurations necessary.


  1. Grails Plugin Page
  2. Source

1.1 Overview

This section will discuss the plugin's structure.


There following is the default configuration for the plugin:

sanityChecker {
    defaults {
        allowPassOnNull = false
        classification = 'entity'


there are no artifacts introduced in this plugin.

Sanity Checkers

The plugin comes pre-packaged with a base-extendable SanityChecker, as well as two extensions: BasicSanityChecker and StringCoerciveSanityChecker.

All packaged Sanity Checkers can be found in the following package:


1.2 Changelog

Version 1.0.0

  • Code Complete / Initial Release