(Quick Reference)


Delete a Smartionary and its SmartionaryEntry associates, or delete one or more SmartionaryEntry associates from a Smartionary.



Smartionary.delete('fruits', 'a')

Smartionary.delete('fruits', 'a, 'b', 'd')


When given the key or keys parameter, delete() will only remove the specified SmartionaryEntry associates whose key field matches. If only the smartionaryName is passed, it will delete all SmartionaryEntry associates from the Smartionary, and then delete the Smartionary.

If any key does not exist, or if there is no Smartionary with the presented smartionaryName, then nothing is done (null design pattern).

For quickly deleting all SmartionaryEntry associates, see purge.

For quickly deleting SmartionaryEntry associates whose value is null, see purgeNull.