(Quick Reference)


Create or Update a Smartionary and/or its SmartionaryEntry associations directly from JSON.


String json = """
    "a": "apple", 
    "b": "banana",
    "c": "cantaloupe",
    "d": "durian"

try { Smartionary.set("fruits", json, "A few fruits, by letter.") } catch (JsonException e) { // Invalid JSON. }

String json = """
    "a": "apple", 
    "b": "banana",
    "c": "cantaloupe",
    "d": "durian"
    "smartionaryDescriptions": {
        "a": "Can be green, yellow, or red; sour or sweet.",
        "b": "Grows in bunches, called "hands."",
        "c": "A kind of melon with a lattuce skin.",
        "d": "A spiney fruit like a pineapple, that's really stinky.",

try { Smartionary.set("fruits", json, "A few fruits, by letter.") } catch (JsonException e) { // Invalid JSON. }


Uses the Groovy JsonSlurper to convert JSON into a Smartionary.

Format is similar to using the set method by passing it an explicit Map.

The smartionaryDescriptions is a special key that tells the method to associate those descriptions with the matching key in the outer layer (non-matching keys are ignored).

The smartionaryDescriptions and entryDescription are optional.

Be mindful of use-cases where it may only be necessary to only update descriptions.

When working with JSON, an array such as the following is not supported:

'["apple", "banana", "cantaloupe", "durian"]'

This will throw an IllegalArgumentException.

Nested Maps and Lists inside the JSON will be converted to Strings, so this is not very appropriate for complex schemas.